Accordingly, our Human Resources policy is:
* hiring the right person for the right job.
* Sharing information is essential. Managers at all levels are responsible for educating their teams and employees.
* A precise and clear definition of each job is specified to ensure that all tasks in the organization are performed in the best possible way. It is defined for each in particular the competencies and qualifications required of the employee who will fulfill this task.
* It is clearly determined the limits of the authority and responsibilities that the employees at all levels will have while performing their duties.
* Managers at all levels are expected to create a work environment based on affection, respect and trust in their departments.
* It is accepted as the main principle to fill the vacancies within the Group with already trained personnel.
* All employees in line with their education, knowledge, experience and abilities may use the opportunities within the Group according to fair and objective measures.
* All employees in the Group are responsible to complete their duties during working hours, and it is our general principle to implement overtime only in case of accidental or compulsory circumstances.
* Internal communication is important for the Group as a function that provides promptness and efficiency in business.
* Having adopted the belief that new innovative ideas/opportunities can be generated by blending different perspectives, knowledge and know-how, all suggestions, opinions and ideas from all employees are carefully monitored and evaluated.
* Managers are not allowed employing their relatives or close friends in the company or department they are responsible for.
* It is believed that training is necessary and beneficial for the employees at all levels, since it a vital element increasing productivity and motivation in work.